
Steve Downs writes from the perspectives of public health, technology, design, business and policy on topics at the intersection of technology and health.

Featured Writing

The Jetsons, Now 60 Years Old, Is Iconic. That’s a Problem

In this essay for Slate, Steve uses the enduring vision of the future depicted in the cartoon sitcom to show how implicit cultural assumptions about the purpose of technology have led to significant health consequences.

A Transition, A Rededication and a Call for Allies

In this personal reflection, Steve shares the journey that led him to pursue his current work to build health into everyday life.

It’s Time to Build Health Into the OS: Part I

The first of a three-part series, this essay lays out the case for the need to re-imagine the fundamentals of everyday life — how we eat, sleep, get from place to place, socialize and entertain ourselves — if we are to reverse the rise of chronic health conditions.

Additional Writing

See Steve’s Medium page for additional writing.